Disturbing News in the OC Register on Weight loss, Calorie Counting and Ignored New Year’s Resolutions on Health….
As Charles Poliquin, the most notable Coach for Professional Athletes and Olympians, told the world after many white papers in clinical trials, “COUNTING CALORIES IS FOR CERTIFIED MORONS!” Your body doesn’t work that way. Some food expels more energy to digest; some people don’t have balanced hormones and therefore, are insulin resistant and have cortisol problems… and yet, we continue to count calories and Americans get fatter and fatter and unhealthier every year.

Somethin’ isn’t working here—are we getting the picture?

My book is almost here, 7 Exercise Myths That Are Killing Americans. I will invite you to a special book launch in a few weeks. I want to start spreading the truth about weight loss, which should be fat loss, and YOU can help.
What we can do for you right NOW: Schedule a Biosignature Modulation to determine your prescription of health and fitness to balance hormones and accelerate fat loss on specific areas of your body. Counting calories is for morons not DFI Clients!

Be Well,

Gordon Duffy
and the Duffy Fitness Institute Staff

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